Professional Development Seminars
Title | Event date | Lecturer(s) | Abstract |
Scalable Vector Graphics | Saturday, May 1, 2004 - 9:00am | Ivan Herman |
SVG is one of the 'hot' topics of the day on the Web. After years of development we finally have a tool to produce 2D graphics on the Web using an open, standard format based on XML. However, SVG is not only a translation to XML of well known and traditional graphics tools known in computer graphics for years; it also includes a number of additional possibilities (scripting, SVG fonts, animation, filtering) which makes it a really exciting new technology. |
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks | Saturday, April 24, 2004 - 9:00am | Brian Jepson and Ernest Rothman |
Under the classy Mac OS X user interface lurks a powerful Unix system. Although this makes it easier for seasoned Unix users to approach Mac OS X, there are some differences that are both frustrating and delightful. We will cover the advanced aspects of Mac OS X's BSD personality, focus on Mac-specific details that make it subtly different from other Unix systems, the use of Open Source applications, and Scientific Computing. Who Should Attend |
Using, Extending and Teaching Eclipse | Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 9:00am | Sherry Shavor |
Eclipse contains a Java Integrated Development Environment, is a platform for building and integrating application development tools, and is an open source project and community. This seminar will introduce the Java developer to the Java IDE including covering Eclipse-specific navigation and terminology. Eclipse can be extended through the development of plug-ins. This seminar will describe the plug-in architecture, the process and the tools to use to develop plug-ins. Several user interface plug-ins will be built during the class. |
Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols | Saturday, November 1, 2003 - 9:00am | Radia Perlman |
The concepts of IP addresses, masks, MAC addresses, routing algorithms, domains, switches, bridges, are pervasive when dealing with networks. We all use these terms and configure these things, but what is really going on? What are the implications of choosing a switch vs. a router? What kinds of things can go wrong in a protocol that is misdesigned, misimplemented, or mismanaged? This tutorial describes the major protocols involved in the network infrastructure. |
Application Security Principles | Saturday, October 18, 2003 - 9:00am | Chris Wysopal |
This seminar provides an understanding of secure application design, security trade-offs, and common problems with implementing secure code. Architects, developers, and project managers will learn how to proactively integrate security principles into software engineering practices to prevent vulnerabilities from entering the code base. By focusing on the security risks inherent in the application development process, these principles can be applied to any programming language or technology. |